Grey Gables Bed & Breakfast & Inn
Room Rates
All reservations are made with the Innkeeper: 423-628-5252
Check in is any time after 4 pm Eastern Time.
Dinner is usually served at 7 pm Eastern time unless otherwise prearranged.
Our fare includes: lodging, evening meal and country breakfast.
The cost is $165.00 plus tax, double occupancy. $105.00 plus tax, single occupancy. Due to vote of Morgan County Commission beginning January 1, 2020 we will be required to include 5% lodging tax added to bill.
Beginning January 2025 due to the high cost of food supplies the Evening Meal will consist of a Hearty Soup, Salad, Dessert, Homemade Bread and Beverage. The conversation and good times around the dining table will remain the same as will the country breakfast.
Guests may pay with cash, check, Master Card, Visa, Discover and American Express.
If a guest cancels 72 hours prior to arrival, there is no charge. If after 72 hours a $30.00 charge will be added to your credit card.
A credit card is required for confirmation.
Smoking is permitted on outside porches.
No pets allowed.
There are outdoor cats at Grey Gables.
Grey Gables Bed & Breakfast Inn
Highway 52 · P.O. Box 52
2487 Rugby, TN 37733
Rugby, Tennessee 37733
(423) 628-5252
Fax: (423) 628-5252
E-Mail: greygablestn@highland.net
Bill & Linda Brooks Jones, Innkeepers