Grey Gables Bed & Breakfast & Inn

On the outskirts of the 1880's historic Victorian English village of Rugby,Tennessee Grey Gables offers the best of Victorian English and Tennessee Country heritage. The 10 bedrooms decorated with country and Victorian antiques, reflects the grace of the English and the comfort of country. Our fare includes: Lodging, Evening meal, Country Breakfast. In the tradition of our forebear, guests will receive a warm welcome, a restful bed and a full table. Tennessee's Cumberland Plateau offers to those who come a potpourri of historic landmarks, recreation attractions, and the best of Nature's Splendor. It is a place that calls to all ages, incomes and interest.…
History of Rugby & Grey Gables Bed & Breakfast
In the late 19th century, aristocratic socialist reformer, Thomas Hughes, and his group of Utopian intellectuals left England to settle in an isolated area of the Cumberland Plateau in East Tennessee. There, they built a charming village of gabled windows, peaked roofs, charming homes, and a quaint church and impressive library, but they were never able to make a success of the settlement. When their Uptopian experiment soon failed, most of the new settlers returned to England.

What remained were the people who lived there before the reformers came, and the buildings, of course. The Table at Grey Gables recounts the founding of the Victorian English village and the dichotomy of the two cultures of Cumberland Plateau country and aristocratic English in the small, rural community. Line drawings, historical narration, biographical sketches, personal anecdotes, and scrumptious recipes of the food are available. Grey Gables Bed 'N Breakfast is noted worldwide for its beauty, charm, and good food.

GREY GABLES has been featured in National and regional publications including Southern Living, Country Victorian Country Decorating Ideas, Tennessee Living, and newspapers such as The Knoxville News-Sentinel, Nashaville Banner and Lexington-Leader Times

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